Who can come to the camp?
All current and former students of universities according to Swiss Universities.
Member of Swiss Universities
What is the average age in the camp?
The average age in the camp is 24 years. However, we have a very wide age range in the camp, from 18 to over 34 years old.
What language is spoken in the camp?
The main language is German and English with the staff from the Surf School. But we also speak English and French.
Which degree programs are most represented?
Medicine, mechanical engineering, business administration, economics and law are the most represented.
I am traveling alone. Does it even make sense to go solo to the camp?
Absolutely! Our offer is designed so that you quickly meet new people. It is absolutely no problem if you come to the camp alone or with friends.
Can only ASC members to the camp?
No. However, we give ASC members priority to the seats in case of doubt. ASC members also get along cheaper.
I would very much like to come. But the camp is advertised way too early. Can I reserve a place? In addition, I do not know exactly what I will do next year in September, it may be that it does not work out for me. And what if I can't come to the camp after all?
The reason why we advertise the camp relatively early is the non-profit character of the project. Precisely because we calculate cost-covering, we are dependent on an early receipt of bookings to be able to pay for accommodation and other things. Unfortunately you cannot "reserve" a place. But you can try to book and hope that you will get a place.
Also, we have deliberately set the date for both camp weeks to the last weeks of the semester break, since most of the students are done with their internships etc. then. The chance that you will not be able to attend the camp is therefore rather small. If you enroll and the worst case happens, we will replace you with a person from the waiting list if possible, but of course we can't promise anything. Cancellation is very easy: We have a new "Rider Zone". There you will find the cancellation option. Just fill out the form and we will take care of the rest.
What does non-profit mean? Are you really not making a profit with the camp?
Non-profit means for us that the project is calculated to cover costs and we do not pay wages. OC and staff work on a voluntary basis. Amounts that remain overflow directly into association projects such as the renewal of our infrastructure (e.g. new material) or projects such as the SUC, which are very cost-intensive. This way we can guarantee that we are not out to make a profit and that we can calculate everything in such a way that you get more for your money than at a commercial surf camp. Our finances are also transparent in the annual accounts.
Why doesn't the ASCA organize a bus from Switzerland to the camp? Why do you have to travel individually?
We have organized the first two camps a transport (then still to France). The big problem is that hiring a one-time bus company is insanely expensive and unfortunately not worth it for so few weeks. Unfortunately, the club would have to pay for it. However, we are happy to help you plan your trip and organize shuttles from the airport to your accommodation. We can also put you in contact with other participants who are looking for travel buddies.
I have contacted you via the contact form and have not received a response yet. What is going on?
We are a volunteer association and not a company. Therefore, it may take a few days until you receive a response. We ask for your patience.
How do I enroll?
At the top of this page you will find a button called "Booking Request". If this is no longer available, there should be a button called "Waiting list". Click on it and you will get to the relevant forms. If none of these buttons are present, the project is not officially advertised yet.
How are the places in the Academic Surfcamp allocated??
Basically, the principle of first come first surf applies. However, one of the guiding principles of our project is to network students from different faculties throughout Switzerland. Therefore, we also make sure that the university ratio is fairly balanced. If, for example, in the first 5 minutes only students from University X register and in minute 6 a student from University Y joins, we give this student priority. However, if the time difference between the registrations is more than 10 minutes, this does not matter anymore, because we always give priority to people who have waited for the registration and who register quickly.
I did not get a spot in the camp and put myself on the waiting list. When will I finally be contacted?
The waiting list is basically processed chronologically according to the receipt of registrations. Whenever someone cancels, we can thus replace someone and contact you as soon as it is your turn.
Do you still need people in the camp team? I would definitely like to be on the staff or come along as a surf instructor.
For our camp staff we give priority to those members who have worked at Academic Surfcamp before. Thus the team is mostly complete. If you still think that you have to become an irreplaceable part of our team, you are welcome to apply for the camp mail. Maybe you will be lucky.
Nevertheless, we are always looking for people who would like to help us expand our camp offerings. If you want to organize a camp yourself, you can apply for it.