The Academic Surf Club Switzerland acts as an umbrella organization and represents the entire ASC network to other organizations. The ASC CH is therefore not a regular community where you can sign up. Its task is primarily administrative, running the website, issuing binding regulations within the association, monitoring various processes within the network and organizing larger, inter-university events such as the Academic Surfcamp or the Swiss University Championships for surfing.
Board members in the ASC CH have a higher level of responsibility due to the network-wide scope of duties, but are not superior to the local boards. Election to the ASC CH board is open to members of any section.
New merch for all sections 🛒
, Schwenn Robin
Represent your local section with your our new Classics collection 🔥
New Logo: Einblick hinter die Kulissen
, Jürgensen Kim-Joëlle
Wir haben einen Contest Gewinner! Lukas Böglis' Design wird das neue ASC Logo.
ASC Movie Night
, Dähler Saskia
Im April wurde in den Städten Bern, Zürich und Luzern der Film AFRICAN TERRITORY an der Surffilmnacht gezeigt. Der Academic Surfclub durfte in allen drei Städten mit dabei sein und einen eindrücklichen und spannenden Abend im Kino verbringen.
Our Team
Nadine Aegerter
Nicola Küng
Rabea Zora Dängeli
Alex Schneider
Manon Czibula